Author: Melody Greenberg

Santa Claus vs the Tooth Fairy

As far as mythical childhood characters go, who wins the battle for being the most mystical and benevolent of them all? Santa Claus brings gifts to all the well-behaved children in the world on Christmas Eve but leaves the naughty

Saving Your Smile: Wear a Mouthguard

Let’s face it: when playing sports, injuries can and do occur, either accidental or deliberate. One of the most important pieces of safety equipment, next to wearing a helmet, is a mouthguard. A properly fitted mouthguard not only can save

History of Dental Veneers

If you need to straighten your smile or close gaps between your teeth, there’s an easier way to do it than with orthodontics. Wish your smile had a little more shine and sparkle? Dental veneers can smooth your grin into

Manual vs Electric Toothbrush

Simply brushing your teeth twice a day isn’t all you have to do to maintain a healthy smile. Caring for your unique set of chompers is a task that comes with a set of instructions as personalized as your smile.

The 5 Worst Foods for Your Teeth

You’ve changed your diet to improve your overall health. You’re feeling great, have more energy, and feel confident. But did you know that even “healthy” foods could be harming your teeth? And with all that confidence you’ve gained, you don’t