Category: Dental Health

Dental Care for College Kids

So your college student is out on his/her own, or so they think? Chances are doctor and dentist visits won’t rank up there on their schedule like exams, labs, or weekend parties. Sounds like Mom or Dad might need to help their

Cold Summer Treats For Teeth

It’s summer and this hot and humid weather makes many of us wish to subsist on just ice cream and popsicles. You don’t need your dentist to tell you that these sugary treats can lead to cavities and tooth decay.

Your Dentist May First Notice Signs of Osteorperosis

Your oral health can be hurt by a condition like osteoporosis. Typically, osteoporosis affects people over the age of 60, but it can occur at any age. Your body is constantly absorbing bone tissue and replacing it, but in osteoporosis,

How to Floss Your Teeth

Flossing is something you should be doing every day. But do you know if you’re using the right method? We’ve provided some tips below on the best ways to floss your teeth. Use Enough Dental Floss Get an arm’s length

Five Foods that Naturally Whiten Teeth

We all know that certain foods and drinks like coffee, tea and berries can stain teeth. Our first reaction to that problem would be to go the store and buy whitening toothpaste and strips. But did you know that there