Category: Dental Health

The 5 Worst Foods for Your Teeth

You’ve changed your diet to improve your overall health. You’re feeling great, have more energy, and feel confident. But did you know that even “healthy” foods could be harming your teeth? And with all that confidence you’ve gained, you don’t

Flossing: Start a Good Habit

At North Tonawanda Family Dentistry, it’s a question we ask every day. After an exam, it’s pretty obvious whether our patients are telling the truth or not when it comes to flossing. You Floss…Right? I try to. Er… Maybe once

Getting Your Child to Brush Their Teeth

Teaching your child the importance of good dental hygiene will pave the way for a lifetime of happy and full-toothed smiles. In theory it sounds simple, but in practice…maybe not so much. The little version of you can amass quite

History of Oral Hygiene – How the Pilgrims beat Gingivitis

With modern advances in dental medicine and the careful attention that North Tonawanda residents pay to their dental hygiene, it is hard to imagine what life for teeth was like when the pilgrims first landed on these shores. We at North Tonawanda

Fight Gum Disease at Home – Brush the Right Way!

Brushing your teeth is an everyday routine that most people give little thought to. The truth is there are a number of common mistakes people make in the course of brushing. After all, how often do we really think about