Different Types of Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are an effective way of replacing areas of teeth that have been lost due to decay or trauma, and help prevent further damage by sealing out any bacteria. They are a very good restorative dental treatment and help to conserve most of the remaining healthy tooth structure.

In the past dental fillings used to be made from amalgam, as this material is reliable, durable, and cost-effective. However it doesn’t look very attractive if it is used in areas of the mouth where it can be seen, and has been the subject of some controversy due to the fact that it contains mercury. There have been a lot of studies into the use of amalgam, and all have concluded its use is perfectly safe. Amalgam is still a good budget conscious choice for back teeth that cannot be seen when smiling, but many people are choosing to have their amalgam fillings replaced with more cosmetically pleasing fillings.


Composite resin filings are tooth colored and are virtually invisible. They require the minimum amount of tooth structure to be removed, and can be completed in just one visit to the dentist. They are a good choice for front teeth, and for small and medium sized fillings. These types of fillings will need replacing after a few years as they are quite susceptible to staining.


Glass ionomers fillings are slightly different, as they are more translucent than composite resin, and are generally used on the root areas of teeth that aren’t subject to any biting forces. They are quite fragile, but do give good esthetic results. They require very little tooth preparation and are completed in one visit.


Indirect fillings need more than one visit to the dentist, and can be made out of composite, porcelain or gold alloys. Gold is traditionally the most durable material, but modern porcelains can withstand quite heavy biting forces, and do give excellent results. During the first visit the dentist will prepare the tooth before taking an impression. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory so the filling can be precision made. It can be fitted at the next visit, and is cemented into place, giving a durable and long-lasting restoration. Indirect fillings are slightly more expensive due to the extra work involved, but are a good choice for replacing larger areas of decay.


If you need a filling, then your dentist will discuss the options open to you. The choice does depend on your budget, the position of the tooth, and the biting forces on that particular tooth. Obviously a front tooth will need to be restored with something that looks cosmetically pleasing, while a back tooth often isn’t very visible and may be restored with an amalgam or gold filling. All fillings need replacing eventually, and will be assessed at every check-up to make sure they are not leaking or crumbling.


For more information about tooth fillings or other dental issues, please contact your North Tonawanda, NY dentist at North Tonawanda Family Dentistry today.


Source: findadentist.ada.org/


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